by Natalie Osborne | Apr 4, 2023
In this activity, students begin their discovery of aquatic environments, and start to notice that water is all around them, in their neighborhoods, backyards, oceans, rivers, ponds, and creeks. They take a first look at “Our Big Blue Planet” with a globe game.
by Natalie Osborne | Apr 4, 2023
Using skills and background information they have developed through classroom experiences and the initial nature walk, students will go into the field to observe and measure local habitats. Students will begin by exploring the area, then do “timed counts” to get an idea of the observable organisms in the local environment. They will then focus individually on one small area to study.
by Natalie Osborne | Apr 4, 2023
Students select an animal to research from a list of teacher-chosen freshwater animals, tide pool creatures, or ocean mammals. They learn that an animal lives within a specific habitat because it is able to meet its needs for food, water, and shelter. Students will develop the understanding that they can find information about specific animals and habitats in books, on the Internet, and from their own local environment and that they can learn from scientists and other experts.
by Natalie Osborne | Apr 4, 2023
Students identify specific traits of a habitat. They start with a familiar local habitat and then focus on aquatic habitats.