Glacier Game
Review the effects of retreating glaciers and increasing stream flows and erosion on river, coastal, and ocean ecosystems.
Review the effects of retreating glaciers and increasing stream flows and erosion on river, coastal, and ocean ecosystems.
Students construct a mini Secchi disk to investigate transparency and the effects of increased turbidity from the increased flows as glaciers melt on aquatic and marine ecosystems.
In this investigation, students explore the needs of salmon at each stage of their life cycle, and then go into the field to investigate a local aquatic habitat and its potential as salmon habitat. They observe the physical characteristics of a local area and determine whether they think it is sufficient to sustain salmon.
NEW! Fish Finders investigation aligned with the NGSS.” and link to the NGSS-aligned Fish Finders.
Students investigate salmon life cycle stages and their relationship to parts of the watershed. They use cards to generate questions and ideas, and work cooperatively to research the salmon’s life journey through a watershed, answer the questions and gather evidence for their claims. They share and discuss their findings with the class, and demonstrate their knowledge by making posters.
After listening to a story about a river, students are introduced to watersheds by simulating a watershed with crumpled paper, ink, and water. They investigate the sources of home drinking water in their community, through home inquiry and an actual or virtual field trip. They discuss their experiences and ask questions to help them understand the interconnections in their local watershed.
The big ideas and concepts for this lesson are:
Water from the tap comes from the watershed.
Science questions may be created by observation and reflection and answered through investigation.