Activity 3A: ABC Sea/River Book


Students create an ABC Sea/River Book by illustrating and describing local aquatic plants or animals, emphasizing letter sounds and detailed observations, then share their work to enhance understanding and communication skills.

Activity Type
Game, Hands-On


Class Time
100 minutes

Grade 1

Focus Questions

  • How do we show what we know about a plant or animal?

Enduring Understandings

  • Plants and animals can be sorted into groups based on different characteristics.
  • People use the plants and animals of the seas and rivers in different ways.


20 minutes

Read The Ocean Alphabet Book (or another alphabet book that best matches your local environment.) Brainstorm local aquatic plants and animals that students can include in their class book. Emphasize the use of the beginning sound, and make a list of animals or plants by each letter. Children can choose which plant or animal to describe on their page.


20 Minutes

Use large, 12 x 18 sheets of paper that can be laminated, spiral bound, or fastened together with three rings. Provide drawing, writing, and coloring materials, and ask students to draw their plants or animals, paying attention to details. Have them include the upper case letter, the lower case letter, and a sentence (or more) about the plant or animal (provide scaffolding with a sentence frame). Those who get done early can make another page. Observe children as they make their pages, encouraging details and interesting information. Remind children that many people will use the book and they will want to do their best!


30 minutes

Have each student share their page, naming their animal or plant and reading and telling what they know about it and how it is used. Students can ask each other questions and the teacher can encourage discussion of plants and animals.


30 Minutes

Provide “mini-books or paper, and drawing materials for students to make alphabet books of their own.


Observe children’s success with the activity, using notes or a checklist to record their ability to notice details, their knowledge of local plants and animals, and their communication skills.

Teacher Needs

Teacher Prep


Read through the investigation and the Teacher Background section. Do research and gather information about local marine/aquatic plants and animals.
Acquire and organize books and materials. Make up examples of a large animal sculpture , a wheel book , and a riddle to show students.

Materials List


  • Alphabet books to share with children for models
  • 12 X 18 pieces of paper
  • laminator
  • spiral binding or 3 rings
  • drawing and coloring materials (colored pencils, crayons)
  • Books, field guides and/or posters showing local marine/aquatic plants and animals
  • Science notebooks
  • High Tide, Low Tide glue-in Image
  • Large rolls or sheets of paper (variety of colors) and newsprint or newspaper
  • Staplers, scissors, markers
  • Room to manipulate tools and paper
  • Construction paper
  • Template and directions for the wheel book
  • Brads
  • Tag board and circle template
  • “Everything Grows” book and/or song
  • Life-cycle pictures to cut out Image
  • A book about tides

Student Needs

Prior Knowledge

Students should know the ABCs, and have some prior experience with a class research project. They should be able to work with large paper and use tools for cutting and stapling. They will need to know how to use a paper fastener (brad).


adult, answer, clues, cut, details, developing, draw, information, larva, life cycle, paint, research, riddle,staple, stuff, tide

Names of local plants and animals and their features. 



Science GLEs Addressed

A1, A2, C2, G3

Ocean Literacy Principles

  • The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.