Educator Resource Database
Marine and coastal K-12 educators collaborated to create this database. It is designed to help teachers and informal community educators engage youth in community resiliency, climate change adaptation, and mitigation of coastal hazards.
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Adapting to Climate Change in Alaska
Alaskans from Unalakleet to Kenai to Ketchikan are witnessing changes to their environment due to climate change. Erosion, invasive species, forest fires, flooding, thawing permafrost, melting ice, insect outbreaks, and shifting animal habitats are many of the changes taking place. This video describes how communities are responding with planning and adaptation to these changes as they strive to maintain their lifestyles in the face of climate change. Order as DVD from Alaska Sea Grant Bookstore. $3.75 plus shipping.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Climate Change
Lesson Type(s): Video
Alaska Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework
Inuit Circumpolar Council brochure that summarizes a report on the holistic, six-dimensional aspects of environmental health as the stability of 1) food availability, 2) Inuit Culture, 3) decision-making power and management of subsistence resources, 4) health & wellness, 5) food resources and 6) accessibility of food resources.
NGSS PE(s): HS=ESS3-4, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security
Lesson Type(s): Teacher Background
Alaska Ocean Acidification Network
Network of scientists, outreach specialists, and Alaska community members likely to be affected by ocean acidification. Includes videos of scientist interviews that provide models for career development. Additional links are provided to resources related to on-going research, potential impacts, and adaptation to ocean acidif ication and a “find an expert” database to locate and contact scientists involved in the research.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Ocean Acidification, Ocean Chemistry
Lesson Type(s): Teacher Background
Alaska Sea Grant Seas & Watersheds: Ocean and Beach Food Webs
In this unit from the Alaska Seas & Watersheds Curriculum, students investigate marine and intertidal food webs, then collect and observe plankton, and observe food web interactions during a beach field trip. After the field trip, students observe plankton using microscopes and do research to extend their learning about food chains and webs. They construct a model of a food web based on their research and evidence collected on the field trip.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): 5-LS2-1, 5-PS3-1
Grade Band(s): 3-5, MS
Topic(s): HABs, Marine Invertebrates
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Lab
Alaska Weather Spotter Program
Students can collect and analyze weather data using Alaska Weather Spotter protocols for Northern Alaska. National Weather Service.
NGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-2, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Citizen Science, Data Sheet/Protocol, Presentation
Alaska’s Coast is Vanishing, One Storm at a Time
2017 Scientific American article that describes how coastal erosion rates are increasing and efforts by scientists to monitor the amount of change.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Coastal Erosion
Lesson Type(s): Article, Teacher Background
Arctic Vessel Traffic in the Bering Strait
2014 article by the Pew Charitable Trusts identifying risks to Bering Strait resources and communities from increased ship traffic in the Bering Strait region due to changes in sea ice.
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Marine Shipping
Lesson Type(s): Article
Art Exhibition (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for an activity culminating exploration of marine debris and creation of art. This activity uses small-scale marine debris sculptures made
during the Ecosystem Effects Station Rotation lesson to create an interactive sculpture that people can walk through to experience the perspective
of animals trying to evade entanglement and find prey in a sea of plastic. Artists’ statements prepared by the students help to synthesize what they have learned and communicate it with the public.
NGSS PE(s): 5-ESS3-1
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Community Involvement, Marine Debris
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Be a Beach Steward (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Brief activity to review proper beach stewardship with students. This will help them be will be prepared for field trip experiences and the ways in which their presence and activities on the beach could impact the beach habitat they are trying to study.
NGSS PE(s): K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Marine Invertebrates
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Bigelow Laboratory: A Community In Crisis
Students participate in a community meeting based on the scenario of a fictional town impacted by a Harmful Algal Bloom.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): Foundational
Grade Band(s): MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security, Coastal Hazards, HABs
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Bigelow Laboratory: Building a Bloom
In this lab activity from Bigelow Laboratory, students manipulate light and nutrient amounts to analyze the impact on phytoplankton growth.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): HABs
Lesson Type(s): Lab
Bigelow Laboratory: Building a Bloom
In this lab activity from Bigelow Laboratory, students manipulate light and nutrient amounts to analyze the impact on phytoplankton growth.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-LS2-4
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Climate Change
Lesson Type(s): Lab
Bigelow Laboratory: Fitting Plankton Into the Food Web
In this lesson from Bigelow Laboratory, students learn about the basics of food webs and trophic levels. Then they compare more familiar terrestrial food webs with marine food webs, using cards with information about various marine organisms to create their own model of a food web.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): 5-LS2-1, MS-LS2-2
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): HABs
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Bigelow Laboratory: Help, It’s An HAB
Students research different responses to Harmful Algal Blooms, presenting the benefits and drawbacks of solutions designed to detect, prevent, or remediate HABs.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): Foundational
Grade Band(s): MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security, Coastal Hazards, HABs
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Bigelow Laboratory: Tracing the Toxins
The ways that toxins move through the food web are demonstrated through an active game, followed by critical reading of research on the impacts HAB toxins may have on other animals.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): Foundational
Grade Band(s): MS
Topic(s): HABs
Lesson Type(s): Activity
CACS: Bioaccumulation Tag
Lesson plan for a fun, high-energy activity that demonstrates how toxins or plastic particles from marine debris can bioaccumulate through the food web.
NGSS PE(s): 5-LS2-1
Grade Band(s): 3-5, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Food Security, Marine Debris, Marine Fishes, Marine Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Marine Shipping, Oil Spills, Seabirds
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Changing Landscapes, REACH Up curriculum for Bering Straits School District
This online curriculum includes middle school and high school coastal erosion units with student and teacher guides as well as units at lower grades to build understandings about how the Earth and landforms change as a result of the action of wind and water. Learning local indigenous and scientific vocabulary words and inclusion of traditional knowledge and long-term observations of change is emphasized. Middle school and high school lesson plans guide students through calculating shoreline erosion rates using aerial imagery and Landsat remote sensing images on GoogleEarth. These lesson plans could be adapted to be relevant to other regions. Aligned with Alaska state science standards (GLEs) and cultural standards.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): 2-ESS1-1, 4-ESS2-1, MS-ESS2-2, MS-ESS3-2, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Coastal Erosion
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Images & Visualizations
Climate Change and Alaska Fisheries
2016 summary of research about the anticipated impacts of changing weather patterns and ocean conditions on Alaska salmon and marine fisheries, including “take home” messages and recommendations about what fisheries managers, individuals, and communities can do to adapt.
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Climate Change, Marine Fishes, Salmon
Lesson Type(s): Article, Teacher Background
Climate Change and Subsistence: What It Means and How Alaskans Can Adapt
Factsheet on the potential effects of a warmer global climate in terms of observable changes such as less ice cover, more wildfires, and thawiing permafrost. Subsistence target species are harder to find, and it is more difficult to travel in some parts of Alaska. Adaptation strategies are alsos discussed. Free download from the Alaska Sea Grant Bookstore.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Climate Change, Food Security
Lesson Type(s): Article, Teacher Background
Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST)
Rigorous citizen science project that trains coastal residents in their communities to conduct monthly beach surveys to collect data on beachcast birds, marine debris, and evidence of human use of the beach environment. The data is used by scientists to understand seabird population dyamics and large die-off events. Recommended at the high school level in partnership with local bird experts.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): HABs, Making Observations, Oil Spills, Pollution, Seabirds
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Data Set
Coastal Observers of Barrow Community Based Monitors (How To Video)
The Coastal Observers of Barrow have released a training video for measuring beach profiles and evaluating coastal hazards. The video was produced by youth monitors and their families. It is part of an effort to recruit more citizen scientists in the region and expand community-centered coastal monitoring efforts in response to increasing environmental hazards along the coasts. The video provides a resource for students to generate deeper understanding of coastal hazards, a guide to coastal monitoring, and a collection of action steps that can be taken to support coastal community resilience.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): All Ages
Topic(s): Coastal Erosion, Community Involvement, Erosion, Making Observations
Lesson Type(s): Video
CoastWatch Beach Survey (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for a field trip activity for beach monitoring focused on marine debris clean up and biodiversity surveys.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Marine Debris, Marine Invertebrates
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Field Trip
CoCoRas (Community Collaborative Rain, Snow, and Hail Network)
Students can collect, report, and analyze data on snow, rain, and hail events. NOAA.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-2, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Data Sheet/Protocol
Community Climate Charts: temperature and precipitation
Students can explore historical average monthly temperatures and precipitation rates for their community in Alaska for the periods 1961- 90 and 1991-present with computer model projections for 2040-49, 2060-69, and 2090-99. SNAP.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): HS-ESS3-5, K-ESS3-2
Grade Band(s): HS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Data Set
Community Interviews – Changing Technology (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for having students interview community members about changes they’ve witnessed in their lives, particularly related to changing technology and the impacts of that on the environment and community.
NGSS PE(s): 5-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-5
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security, Community Involvement
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Coriolis & Currents (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Activity introducing students to the coriolis effect and how it influences currents in the ocean.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Oceanography, Weather
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Counting Beads & Baubles – Practice for Beach Monitoring (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for introducing and practicing methods used in beach sampling/monitoring activities. Could be used for terrestrial ecosystems as well.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Marine Invertebrates
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Data in the Classroom – investigating El Niño
Online activities support an in-depth curriculum module on El Niño for middle school students and beyond. In addition, maps, images and printable worksheets are available for classrooms that cannot support the technologies on this website. NOAA.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS2-5
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Data Set, Images & Visualizations, Lesson Plan
Density Differences – Air (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Demonstration and simple lab activities that introduce students to the way that density differences in air drive wind patterns. Learning is organized around considering the way a plastic bag is transported by wind.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Density Differences – Water (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Demonstration and lab activities that introduce students to the way that density differences in water due to temperature and salinity drive currents.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Ocean Chemistry, Oceanography
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Effects of Ocean Acidification on Alaska Fish and Shellfish
Downloadable, small color poster that summarizes the research on whether the effect of increasing ocean acidfication will affect different species negatively,positively, not at all, or whether the effect is still unknown. Each species is also characterized by its role in the marine ecosystem (e.g., predator, food web link, ecosytem engineer, chemical/nutrient cycling, habitat-forming
NGSS PE(s): HS-LS2-6, MS-LS2-4
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Ocean Acidification, Ocean Chemistry
Lesson Type(s): Poster
Encountering Environmental Hazards on Alaska’s Coast
Portal website for reporting a variety of environmentall hazards people encounter along Alaska’s coast with Alaska-specific factsheets and other resources to teach about invasive species, earthquakes and tsunamis, flooding and erosion, harmful algal blooms and PSP, marine mammal strandings, oil and hazardous spills, and impacts of sea ice and risingocean temperatures.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Coastal Erosion, HABs, Oil Spills
Lesson Type(s): Article, Teacher Background
Faces of Climate Change I: Overview
Overview of potential climate change impacts on Alaska’s marine ecosystems through interviews with scientists. 2012.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Climate Change, Sea Ice
Lesson Type(s): Video
Faces of Climate Change II: Disappearing Sea Ice
Observations of changes in sea ice, weather patterns. and Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean marine ecosystems through interviews with scientists and Alaska Natives. Includes Inupiaq names for different types of sea ice. 11 mins. 2012.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Climate Change, Coastal Erosion, Sea Ice
Lesson Type(s): Video
Faces of Climate Change IIIe Life on the Ice
This video includes interviews of scientists and Alaska Natives to highlight Arctic marine mammals and birds (spectacled eiders, phytoplankton bloom timing, ringed seals, ), how they depend on sea ice, and how these animals will cope in the face of climate change. 7 1/2 mins. 2012.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Climate Change, Sea Ice
Lesson Type(s): Video
Farm to Table: The Impact of Rising CO2 and Warmer Temperatures on the Food Supply
NGSS PE(s): HS-ESS2-6, MS-ESS3-5
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security, Climate Change
Lesson Type(s): Images & Visualizations
Feed the Whales (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson for a hands-on (and somewhat messy) activity that helps students understand the feeding adaptations of baleen and toothed whales.
NGSS PE(s): 4-LS1-1
Grade Band(s): 3-5, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Marine Mammals
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Fish Finders
Teaching unit that culminates in a field trip. Students explore the needs of salmon at each stage of their life cycle and then go on a field trip to investigate a local aquatic habitat and its potential as a salmon habitat. They observe the physical characteristics of the stream and argue from evidence whether or not salmon could survive well there. Extensions are included to gather additional evidence by measuring the water quality parameters of water temperatures, dissolved oxygen, and pH; measuring stream velocity, collecting and identifying macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality, and observing human impacts.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): 3-LS4-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5
Topic(s): Salmon
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Field Trip
FISH2SCHOOLS: A Guide to Serving Local Fish in Alaska School Cafeterias
The Alaska Fish to Schools program – on-going in Cordova,Dilingham, and Sitka – brings donations from local fishermen to schools. This resource guide provides information on how to get fish into your school, funding opportunities, and case studies on existing programs. It will detail the steps Sitka took to develop its program with
the hope that it will give your community ideas for starting your own Fish to Schools initiative. Lesson plans are also available
NGSS PE(s): HS-ESS3-4, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, K-2, MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security, Marine Fishes, Salmon
Lesson Type(s): Teacher Background
Fishing Over Time (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for student research projects about how fishing technologies and practices have changed over time in their region or the broader state of Alaska.
NGSS PE(s): 5-ESS3-1, MS-ESS3-5
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Food Security, Marine Fishes
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Friends of the Sea
Students discuss stewardship actions and develop an action plan that they will carry out as a class. They host a “Friends of the Sea” party to involve the school and community in their stewardship efforts and to share the results of their investigations.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): 3-5
Topic(s): Community Involvement
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Geology & Tectonic Plates (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan, including a brief hands-on demonstration, to introduce students to the idea of tectonic plates, subduction zones, and the story of one specific type of rock in southcentral Alaska.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, MS
Topic(s): Geology
Lesson Type(s): Activity
GLOBE Arctic Bird Migration Protocol
Students select a common and easily identifiable bird species in their region and observe when the bird species first arrives. Students use binoculars or telescopes to scan a study site and count how many they see. They continue to observe every other day until few or none of the selected species can be seen. More information about training opportunities at More information about the GLOBE Program and training opportunities on the GLOBE website.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): K-ESS3-1
Grade Band(s): All Ages
Topic(s): Changes in Biodiversity, Making Observations, Phenology
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Data Set, Data Sheet/Protocol, Field Trip, Lesson Plan
GLOBE Cloud Protocol
Students observe which types of clouds are visible, how much of the sky is covered by clouds, and the opacity of clouds. They also report on surface and sky conditions, information complementary to the satellite view. Data can be recorded using the free GLOBE Observer app. Find out how to get the app at More information about the GLOBE (Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program and training opportunities on the GLOBE program website. .
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): K-ESS2-1, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): All Ages
Topic(s): Making Observations, Weather
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Data Set, Data Sheet/Protocol, Lesson Plan
GLOBE Macroinvertebrate Protocol
Students will collect, sort, identify, and count macroinvertebrates from a variety of habitats. More information about training opportunities at More information about the GLOBE Program and training opportunities on the GLOBE website.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): All Ages
Topic(s): Changes in Biodiversity, Making Observations, Pollution
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Data Set, Data Sheet/Protocol, Field Trip, Lesson Plan
GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper
Students identify potential breeding sites for mosquitoes, sample and count mosquito larvae, and use optional equipment to examine, photograph and identify the genus of your specimens, you will be enabling scientists to verify predictive models of mosquito population dynamics. Data can be recorded using the free GLOBE Observer app. Find out how to get the app at More information about the GLOBE (Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program and training opportunities on the GLOBE website.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): All Ages
Topic(s): Changes in Biodiversity, Making Observations, Phenology
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Data Set, Data Sheet/Protocol, Field Trip, Lesson Plan
GLOBE Weather Monitoring
Lesson plan and introduction to a wide variety of GLOBE weather monitoring protocols teachers can use to engage students in collecting data on various aspects of weather. More information about the GLOBE Program and training opportunities at
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s): 3-ESS2-1, MS-ESS3-2
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Weather
Lesson Type(s): Activity, Citizen Science, Field Trip
Graphing Marine Debris (CACS CoastWatch Curriculum)
Lesson plan for a graphing activity that can be used after students conduct a marine debris clean up.
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Marine Debris, Marine Shipping
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Greenhouse Lesson
The principles behind greenhouses and how to make greenhouses made from salad containers.
NGSS PE(s): HS=ESS3-4, MS-ESS3-3
Grade Band(s): 3-5, HS, MS
Topic(s): Adaptations to Increase Food Security
Lesson Type(s): Activity
Harmful Algal Blooms in Alaska
Facts about harmful algal blooms in Alaska that can be used for student research projects: What are they? Why are they becoming more common? How are Alaskans responding? Why should the public care? Includes links to the symptoms related to specific toxic organisms and how to report illness related to toxic algae.
Link: Visit websiteNGSS PE(s):
Grade Band(s): HS, MS
Topic(s): HABs
Lesson Type(s): Article, Weblink