A Salmon's Life Journey


Students investigate salmon life cycle stages and their relationship to parts of the watershed. They use cards to generate questions and ideas, and work cooperatively to research the salmon’s life journey through a watershed, answer the questions and gather evidence for their claims. They share and discuss their findings with the class, and demonstrate their knowledge by making posters.

Bright red salmon with green heads and large humps on their back go up the river to spawn

Activity Type
Game, Hands-On, Project


Class Time
200 minutes

Grade 3


Focus Questions

  • What is the salmon’s life journey through the wetlands, rivers, and the sea?
  • What are the salmon life cycle stages and where does each take place within the watershed?

Enduring Understandings

  • Watersheds, rivers, wetland and the one big ocean of the world are an interconnected system.
  • Salmon depend on the rivers and the ocean during parts of their life cycle.
  • Science is a way to help us study the many connections in our world.


30 minutes

Using a KWL chart (KWL explanation), brainstorm with the class to establish what students learned about watersheds in Investigation 2 and how they think salmon might fit into a watershed. Ask “How do you know . . .” to information or claims students make about salmon in a watershed.

Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students. Have students cut out the six stages from the Life Cycle Cards. Using the six life cycle cards and their science notebooks, students investigate the proper order of the salmon life cycle as well as make predictions about where in the watershed each stage takes place.

Students record questions in their science notebook about the salmon life cycle, or journey through the watershed, that arise from the small group discussion. An example might be, “I wonder if salmon ever live in lakes?”

Ask groups/students to share some of the questions from their science notebooks, and update the KWL Chart with students’ questions. Ask students how they might find answers to their questions or show evidence for information they claimed to know.

Save the Life Cycle Cards for later use.


120 minutes

Using a variety of available classroom resources (books, websites, posters, models, etc.) have students work cooperatively to research the salmon’s life journey through a watershed to answer their questions and gather evidence for their claims. Prompt students to look for predators and note them as they surface. Using their science notebooks, ask students to record interesting information and evidence that they discover from their explorations.

Useful Web sites

This site has easy-to-read information and photos about each stage of the salmon life cycle.

Great photos and information about each stage of the life cycle.

ADFG PowerPoint presentations about salmon habitat needs and salmon habitat in relation to watersheds and salmon life cycles.

  • StreamNet

This site has a nice life cycle image, salmonid fact sheets, and salmon life history profiles.


30 minutes + time for reading aloud

Allow time and support for students to share their findings within their small group. Small groups should summarize what they learned in their science notebooks.

Collaboratively, students should decide on a way to display their findings in order to explain and share with the whole group. Allow time for each small group to report back to the whole group, updating the KWL chart as they share their information and new questions.

Have a class discussion on predators. Ask students about the predators that they discovered while doing their research. List predators on the board. Some examples are seals, sea lions, terns, northern pike, bears, eagles, and humans.

You may also wish to discuss the variety of obstacles that salmon face at the various stages of their life cycle. Some examples are polluted waters, fish farming, water volume or flow, dams, invasive species, sport fishing, commercial fishing, hatchery fish, and climate change.

Enhance and reinforce student research by reading aloud about salmon, their life cycle, and their habitat from one of the following books:

  • Life Cycle of a Salmon by Bobbie Kalman
  • Life Cycle of a Salmon by Angela Royston
  • Salmon Stream by Carol Reed-Jones
  • A Salmon for Simon by Betty Waterton
  • Swimmer by Shelly Gill
  • Red Tag Comes Back by Fred Phleger


20 minutes

Ask students to apply what they have learned by creating a poster that explains the salmon life cycle stages and where each takes place within the watershed. Students may use their six life cycle stage cards (from Engagement) and a large piece of paper to design/illustrate the watershed. Students may paste the life cycle stage cards in the proper order to begin. They may then decide on the proper illustration, placing the salmon within the correct area of the watershed.

Ask students to share and explain their posters either in their group or to the class. After students have completed their posters, print out the Salmon Life Cycle poster (11″ X 17″) and post it in the classroom. Ask students to self-assess the accuracy of their portrayal of the life cycle and make corrections if necessary.

Choose games and activities to help students enhance and reinforce their learning.
Below are some suggested activities including whole class movement games, small group board games, and individual or partner Internet games.

A salmon storyboard writing activity also may be begun at this time. Such a writing activity may accompany culminating activity for Investigation 5. See Curricular Connections for additional information.

You may choose to invite a fish biologist or Alaska Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service education specialist to the classroom to speak to the students about salmon the the salmon life cycle. If there are no local agency personnel, local commercial or sport fishermen, as well as elders may be equally qualified to help.


Assess students’ posters and/or oral presentations for understanding of the salmon life cycle and its relationship to a watershed.

The following suggested criteria could be incorporated into a rubric for scoring the presentations. If possible, help students develop the rubric themselves before beginning work on their posters.

  • Evidence of the proper life stages
  • Life stages take place in the proper order
  • Life stages take place in appropriate parts of the watershed
  • At least one additional characteristic or trait of each salmon life cycle stage is given
  • An explanation of the watershed placement and connection is given
  • (For example, “Fry have parr marks (characteristic) and live in the stream (placement). The parr marks help them blend into the rocky stream bottom to avoid predators (connection)”

Ask students to reflect in their science notebooks by summarizing their understandings, drawing the salmon life cycle, or reflecting on what they thought they knew prior to the investigation.


  • Add a chart titled, “How does a fish compare to a human?” Students can complete the chart, showing how fish compare to humans regarding their different systems, i.e., respiratory, digestive, reproductive, nervous, circulatory, etc.
  • Find out about obtaining a permit to incubate salmon fry in your school and release them into a nearby stream through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Salmon in the Classroom. Also available through the UAF Cooperative Extension/4H Program: Salmon in the Classroom Program for Rural Alaska.
  • Learn both names for the five types of Pacific salmon.
  • Dissect a salmon.

Curricular Connections


Students may extend their understanding of the investigation through a writing activity (salmon storyboard) that tells the story of a salmon’s life journey from the salmon’s point of view. Evidence of the proper life stages taking place in the proper parts of the watershed should be apparent. The story can be used later to accompany the watershed model activity in Investigation 5.

Teacher Needs

Teacher Prep

  • Read through the instructions and background/resource information.
  • Print and copy the Life Cycle Card Sheets, one for each student.
  • Prepare chart paper or chalkboard for KWL activity.
  • Collect resources and display them throughout the room to heighten student curiosity upon arrival.
  • Choose activities to use for “Elaboration”.
  • Load websites onto class computers as needed.

Materials List

Student Handouts

Material Items

  • KWL Chart PDF
  • Large piece of white drawing or construction paper
  • Children’s books about the salmon life cycle
  • Salmon life cycle posters
  • Scissors, glue, pencils, crayons

Student Needs

Prior Knowledge

Students should have an understanding of what a watershed is and be able to identify various features of a watershed. They should understand that watersheds, rivers, wetlands and the one big ocean of the world are an interconnected system. Some knowledge of predators and simple food chains is also necessary.


Alevin, Fry, Parr marks, Redd, Smolt, Spawn, Watershed


Science GLEs Addressed

  • 2nd grade: SA1, SA2, SA3, SB2, SC2, SC3, SD1
  • 3rd grade: SA1.1, SA1.2, SA2.1, SA3.1, SC1.2, SC3.2, SD2.1, SG4.1
  • 4th grade: SA1.1, SA1.2, SA2.1, SA3.1, SC1.1, SC2.2, SC3.1, SC3.2

Other GLEs Addressed

Reading, Writing, Math

Ocean Literacy Principles